UsableNet Blog

Considering Accessibility for International Week of Deaf People 2023

The last week of September is International Week of Deaf People, a week to discuss how we can make the world more inclusive for those with auditory disabilities. You can learn ...

Web Accessibility

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Ecommerce Web Accessibility Experiences

Originally written on Dec 13, 2022. Content was updated in September 2023. When I wrote about Black Friday and Cyber Monday, I discussed my accessibility experiences with retail ...

Web Accessibility, User Experience

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Pop-up Accessibility and How to Make Pop-ups More Accessible

Website pop-up accessibility is a common digital accessibility issue that is vital to resolve in order for an inclusive web experience. Whether it's the infamous email sign-up ...

Web Accessibility

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Image Alt Text Best Practices For Web Accessibility

One point I have stressed in several previous blogs is the importance of alternative text image descriptions for website pictures and graphics. So much information is conveyed to ...

Web Accessibility

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How a Blind Person Uses a Website - Your Questions Answered

UsableNet recently did a webinar where a full-time screen reader user demonstrated interactions with websites to show sighted individuals how blind technology users navigate the ...

Web Accessibility, User Experience

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Grow your Audience: The Business Imperative of Web Accessibility

Let's explore ways a business can benefit from creating a sustainable accessibility program. You can add these to your talking points to build accessibility champions in your ...

Web Accessibility, Accessibility-First Culture

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Web Accessible Button Design for Screen Readers

Buttons are an essential element of any website, program, or mobile application. They allow visitors to navigate the site, move back and forth between pages, and complete tasks. ...

Web Accessibility

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Web Accessibility for the Blind

Originally written on Oct 29, 2020. Content was updated in August 2023. We all know that digital accessibility is important, but have you ever watched a person who is blind or who ...

Web Accessibility

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Web Accessibility Design Examples on Healthcare Websites (Guest Blog)

Digital accessibility is essential for individuals with disabilities to have the most significant degree of personal independence. This concept especially holds when it comes to ...

User Experience

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