UsableNet Blog

Jason Taylor

Jason Taylor

Recent Posts

New ADA Ruling Gives Hope for New York companies

A new ruling out of the Southern District of New York may bring hope to companies in website remediation who fear additional litigation from would-be plaintiff while they bring ...

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Apple ADA Case Shows Value of Screen Reader Testing

In a recent analysis of Web Accessibility lawsuits filed in New York in the last month, the UsableNet data and research team found new claims show more specific detail of the ...

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Apple ADA Web Ruling Sets new standard for claims

Web Accessibility cases will need to provide more detail around claims thanks to a new ruling in the Southern District of New York. On March 28th, Judge Preska dismissed the class ...

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ADA-Based Web Accessibility Claims Continue Record-Breaking Rise in 2019

The last few years have seen a dramatic rise in ADA Web Accessibility Claims. Data from UsableNet's research team suggests the lawsuit culture continues in 2019. UsableNet's team ...

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97% of Top Websites Fail The Test For ADA Web Accessibility, New Study Finds

A new study on Website accessibility found that 97.8% of 1 million homepages tested had detectable WCAG 2 failures. A user with a disability can expect to encounter detectable ...

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Bring Accessibility Within Reach with Dynamic Remediation

Editor's Note: This post was originally published September 7, 2017 and has recently been updated and revised for accuracy and comprehensiveness. A stunning 70-plus percent of ...

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The first ADA Web Accessibility ruling of 2019 could prove to be a defining moment for web and app accessibility.

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Ten Steps to Take After Receiving an ADA Lawsuit on Website Accessibility (Or Help Avoid One)

If you’ve received a lawsuit contending that your website is not sufficiently accessible under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), take it seriously. In 2018, plaintiffs ...

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Understanding Alternative Conforming Versions and the Air Carrier Access Act (ACCA)

This blog outlines the facts around when Alternative Conforming Version (ACV) can be used and clarifies how the DOT deviated from the WCAG with the need to prove undue-burden in ...

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