UsableNet Blog

Lily Mordaunt

Lily Mordaunt
Lily Mordaunt is a graduate from Hunter College with a Bachelor's degree in creative writing. An avid reader, Lily hopes to eventually work as a book editor for one of the Big Four publishing houses. She is currently working as Usablenet's editorial and public relations intern.

Recent Posts

June 27th is Helen Keller Day

On June 27th, we celebrate Helen Keller Day as part of Deaf-Blind Awareness Week. For this blog, we've created a Helen Keller FAQ. Keep reading to learn about Helen Keller's life ...

Web Accessibility

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Why should Social Media Be Accessible?

You're on Instagram about to publish a post, and you go down your social media checklist... Lighting? Gorgeous. Outfit? On point. Caption? Clever. But wait! Before you hit "Done," ...

Accessibility for Marketing

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4 Ways to Make Online Banking Accessible

The popularity of online banking has grown significantly in the past couple of years. It can be a time saver for someone with a busy schedule or the only way of accomplishing ...

Accessible Design, Financial Services

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Accessibility in the Workforce: A Blind Person's Perspective

It's National Disability Employee Awareness Month (NDEAM), a month to celebrate those with disabilities in the workplace while showing support, and inclusive policies and best ...

Web Accessibility, Workplace Accessibility, NDEAM, AI

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Banking When Blind: The Importance of App and Web Accessibility

I am one of the 78% of Americans who does their banking online. I also happen to be one of the. 1 in 4 with a disability. I have been fortunate to have had, for the most part, ...

Web Accessibility, mobile accessibility, Financial Services

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3 Top Retail Trends (And how to make them accessible)

The number of online shoppers increased exponentially during the pandemic from a little over 40% to around 80% in 2021. With shelter-in-place orders and global uncertainty, we ...

Retail, User Experience

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How Technology Improves Inclusion (And Where Work is Still Needed)

We've said goodbye to another Disability Pride month, at least until next year. Yet, just because we are no longer in July doesn't mean we should stop thinking about disability or ...

Web Accessibility, Accessibility Testing

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Disability Pride Month: The Origins of Assistive Technology

Editor's Note: Thanks to UsableNet's Intern, Lily Mordaunt for contributing this post in honor of Disability Pride month. You can read more about Lily in her other blogs published ...

Accessibility Testing, User Experience

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Traveling When You're Blind: The Importance of Digital Accessibility

Editor's Note: The following is a new guest blog from the UsableNet Intern, Lily Mordaunt. Last weekend was Independence Day Weekend, the busiest holiday weekend according to AAA. ...

Web Accessibility, User Experience

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