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UsableNet Unveils Innovative ADA Monitoring Service

By UsableNet on Mar 4, 2021
Topics: Web Accessibility


At UsableNet, we often find companies have invested some time and resources into the hard work required to make their digital assets accessible. 

Yet, maintenance, especially in today's world of highly technical websites with regularly scheduled enhancements and sometimes rapid code changes, can be a challenge.

To help client companies, and when applicable their digital agencies, maintain accessibility and a commitment to digital inclusion and the disability community, UsableNet has launched our innovative new ADA monitoring service

We’ve designed ADA Monitoring to be the most cost-effective solution on the market today that involves regular website testing by people with disabilities

THE LEGAL LANDSCAPE for App and Web Accessibility 

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) celebrated it's 30 year anniversary last year. 

A hard-fought victory for people with disabilities, the ADA is the most sweeping piece of civil rights legislation passed to protect the rights of people with disabilities. Yet more than 30 years later, there's still more work to be done

Since 2018, plaintiffs have filed thousands of lawsuits, citing inaccessible websites, mobile apps, and, increasingly videos, alleging violations of Title III of the ADA.

At UsableNet, we monitor ADA lawsuits for digital accessibility closely. Our recently released 2020 recap report found more than 3,000 digital accessibility lawsuits filed last year, a 23% increase over 2019. 

→ Download the full report on digital accessibility lawsuits in 2020 here.  


ADA Monitoring for Digital Accessibility 

With no sign of these lawsuits slowing down anytime soonUsableNet is responding to this litigious landscape by announcing our new ADA Monitoring Service. 

ADA Monitoring with UsableNet uniquely combines frequent user testing with automated WCAG 2.1 AA testing, keyboard testing, interactive dashboards, and advanced reports to support organization’s accessibility efforts.

For our clients, this system grants not only legal compliance verification but, more importantly, the confidence that their website is usable and accessible.  

Watch the video below for a preview of some of the reporting and dashboards. 

Alt text: ADA monitoring dashboard with a video play button. 

ADA Monitoring offers companies an easy way to save money, time, resources, and frustration.

UsableNet coordinates regularly scheduled automated, manual, and user testing with the disability community. Clients benefit from automated notifications and powerful reporting. 

For more information about ADA Monitoring with UsableNet, check out the ADA Monitoring page on our website or contact UsableNet to speak to one of our accessibility experts.



Founded in 2000, UsableNet created some of the first tools and platforms to make websites accessible and usable for all people. Starting out, we worked with government agencies as well as universities and corporations. Today, accessibility has become important to almost all companies. We provide accessibility solutions to Fortune 1000 companies, small and medium enterprises, government, and education organizations across industries including retail, travel, hospitality, food services, automotive, financial services, and healthcare.

Need to improve digital usability, accessibility or performance? We can help.
Partner with us. Get in touch.